Articles By Ted Corbitt

Writings by Ted Corbitt
1. “The 1952 Olympic Games” The Physical Therapy Review. Vol. 32, No. 12 December, 1952 pp. 650-652
2. 36 page letter about the 1952 Olympic experience, November 29, 1952
3. Notes on Training For Marathons, December 22, 1959
1960 – 1969
4. Co-authored with Gertrude Finnerty book: Hydrotherapy, Ungar Publications, New York, 1960
5. “A Brief Encounter with a 50 Miler
6. “Training and Performance Profiles” Track Technique, Track & Field News
- Nick Costes - 1961
- Johnny Hayes
- Les Pawson
- Gordon Dickson
- Fred Norris
- Jim Peters
- Raymond Puckett
- Sergei Popov – December 1961, P. 187
7. “Aspects of Building Strength and Endurance” Presented at ICD Medical Conference, April 1962
8. “My Trip to the 12th Annual London-to-Brighton Race” 1962
9. “Racing from London-to-Brighton, England” 1962
10. “The Ultra-Long Distance Running Kings”
• Jackie Mekler
• Ron Linstead
• Donald Turner – Distance Running News, July 1966, Vol. 1, No.2 pp.25-26
• John Grundy
11. “How to Measure Road Race Courses” RRC Footnotes, October 1, 1962
12. “On Beginning A Strenuous Exercise Program” Track Technique, No. 10, December 1962, p.295
13. “Measuring Long Distance Running Courses” (29 Page Booklet) RRCA Publications, New York, 1964
14. Training for a 50 Mile Race” Long Distance Log
15. “The RRC Olympians” RRC Footnotes, 1964
16. “The Emotions in Athletics” Track Techniques, No. 21, September 1965, p.66a
17. “Strain: The Valsalva Phenomenon” Track Technique, No. 6, December 1965. p.602
18. “Conversation with Tom Richards Former Olympic Marathon Silver Medalist”
19. “Looking Back: So Hot, So Far to Go”
20. Book contribution: “Illustrated Guide to Olympic Track & Field Techniques” Edited by Tom Ecker & Fred Wilt, Parker Publishing, West Nyack, NY 1966, Section by Corbitt: “The Marathon: Abebe Bikila – Ethiopia.”
21. “The 16th Annual London-to-Brighton Road Running Race” 1966
22. “Two For The Price of One” 1966
23. Writing assignments from the “Famous Writers School”
- “The Lure of Pikes Peak”
- “A Familiar Spot in My Daily Life”
- “Violence on a Picket Line”
- “Why I Am Studying Writing”
- “The Boycotts
- “A Burn to Remember”
- “The Great Kip Keino”
- “An Unexpected Walk in the Sun”
24. “Approach to Training for the Marathon and Ultramarathon, June 23, 1967
25. “Aspects of Running Ultramarathon Races”
26. “The London-to-Brighton Road Race History”
27. “If You Must Race in Hot Weather” RRC, NY Association Newsletter, Spring & Fall 1967
28. “The Structure of Long Distance Running in the U.S.A.” October 14, 1968
29. “The 19th Annual London-to-Brighton Road Running Race” 1969
30. “The RRC Invitational 100 Mile Track Race For the Percy Cerutty Cup” Long Distance Log, 1969
31. “Run a Marathon, And Survive” Runners’ World, December 1969
32. “How to Recover From A Marathon” Runner’s World
33. “Recreation and Training Camps in Sweden” Runner’s World
34. “Profile: John Duncan Semple”
1970 – 1979
35. “A Different Approach to Veteran Fitness”
36. “Turned on Via A Breakthrough” Runner’s World
37. “A Case For Reviving the Olympic Cross-Country Race” Long Distance Log, February 6, 1971
38. Book Contribution: “Guide to Distance Running” Edited by Bob Anderson & Joe Henderson, Runners World, Mountain View, CA., 1971, Section by Corbitt: “Getting Behind the Times”
39. “More Effective Use of Wall Pulley” Physical Therapy Review, Vol. 52, No.12, October, 1972
40. “Turned on with a Breakthrough” Submitted to Runners World, November 25, 1972
41. “The Ultramarathon Scene Takes a Giant Step Forward” National Capitol Marathon Festival
Race Program, 1973, pp.3-4
42. “On Vegetarians”
43. “The Yonkers Marathon: The Metropolitan Area’s Quickest Marathon” 1974
44. “The Calibrated Bicycle Method of Road Race Course Measuring, March 15, 1974
45. “Relaxation” October 1, 1977
46. “Warm up, warm down” The Runner, March, 1979 p.25
47. “The Master at Work and Play: The Middle Aged Long Distance Runner”
48. “Warm Up, Warm Down, Why Bother?”
49. The Complete Marathoner by Joe Henderson, World Publications, 1978; “Course Measurement: Driving a car over the route won’t do. Runners expect precision.” pp.271-281
50. “My First New York City Marathon” New York Running News, October, 1979 pp.14-17
51. “Jogging: You Can’t Store Up Physical Fitness”
1980 – 2007
52. Forward – Sri Chinmoy , “The Search For Self-Perfection” January 19, 1981
53. Forward – “Charley Robbins’ Scrapbooks” Modern Press, Cranston, RI, January 29, 1982
54. “The Modern Ultramarathon 100 Miles and 24 Hours Footraces”
55. “Making The Most Out of a Good, Quick Massage” Nursing Assistant, July-Sept. 1983, pp.4-5
56. “NYC Marathon ‘83” Ted Corbitt, the Club’s First President, Discusses the NYRRC, Runners World, October, 1983 p.171D
57. “An Athletics Fan at Los Angeles” RRC of England, September 27, 1984
58. Contributed captions and legends on the illustrations “Bilateral Combinations for Reinforcement,” in Book: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation – Patterns and Techniques, Third Edition, by Dorothy Voss, Marjorie Ionta, and Beverly Meyers; Harper and Row, Philadelphia 1985
59. “Structure of Running in the USA” January 29, 1986
60. “The Atlanta Centennial Olympic Games” RRC of England Newsletter, December, 1996 pp.24-25
61. “London To Brighton Memories” RRC of England Newsletter, May 1997
62. “In memory of Mark DeBartolo: Ultamarathoner, Par Excellence” New York Runner, Mar/April 1998
63. “The American Running Booms” Runner’s Gazette, October 1999
64. “Ted Corbitt: the man who never quits” Ultramarathon World, April 2001
65. “RRC Golden Anniversary” RRC of England Newsletter, Winter 2002
66. “How To Go The Distance (Even After 80)” University of Cincinnati, May 2002
67. “Adjusting To Advancing Age”